NDT Neuro-development therapy includes techniques that are used for the management and treatment of clients with motor
disabilities along with sensory issues that are caused by problems with the central nervous system.

It is used for the management of challenges in movement and mobility dysfunctions in children as well as adults caused due to neurological based conditions like cerebral palsy, stroke, head injury, spinal cord injury or any other paralytic condition.

The basic principle of this therapy is facilitation of muscles to induce their activation, and contraction and relaxation of certain muscles through elongation in order to enhance joint movement and further mobility.

NDT helps in breaking the abnormal synergy patterns and thereby helps to regain normal movement patterns and avoid tricky body movements. It includes constant interaction between the therapist, the client and the caregiver and also the associated medical team during assessment and planning of treatment.

NDT focuses the problems caused due to impairment in the developing central nervous system and therefore aims at the motor, sensory, perceptual, cognitive, emotional as well as social development of an individual.

The chief goal of Neurodevelopment Therapy is to promote guided and controlled movements in order to provide a better day-to-day living to an individual and increase his involvement in the society by making him more and more independent.

SI We human beings explore and learn about the world through our sensory experiences. These sensory experiences include movement, touch,
body awareness or joint position sense, sound, smell and sight or vision. The process by which the brain organizes and interprets this
information is called Sensory Integration.

In most individuals, sensory integration occurs as a part of natural growing process. But in a child with SI dysfunction, the sensory systems can be either hypo (less) active or hyper (over) active. For e.g. a soft velvet cloth may feel like a bed of thorns (hyperactive) or a fall from a height may not affect the child (hypoactive).

The central idea of this therapy is to provide and control sensory input in a way to form an adaptive response from the child. A professional (therapist) trained in this technique practices SI therapy in order to achieve this response.

To a layman it may look like a play, but it has a strong scientific basis and quiet different from a situation where child is playing in the garden, with or without supervision. The purpose is not to teach an activity to the child but make one more capable of learning and improving applicative concepts.

In a child with SI dysfunction, the affected areas can be:
- TACTILE SYSTEM: It may include behaviors like withdrawal from physical contact, avoid hands from getting dirty, decreased pain sensitivity, dislike brushing teeth, cutting nails or seeking touch like hugging, mouthing objects etc. May also have problem in eating, feeding, sucking etc.
- VESTIBULAR SYSTEM: Speech and language issues, fearful reaction to swing, slides, apprehensive walking or crawling. Or else may like jumping, spinning, no fear of heights or fall or climbs.
- PROPRIOCEPTIVE SYSTEM: Clumsy posture, lack of awareness of body position in space, poor fine motor coordination.
- VISUAL SYSTEM: Looking out of corner of eye, squint, staring at space, spinning objects etc.
- AUDITORY SYSTEM:Fails to localize sound, acts as if deaf, fears loud noise, closes ears etc .

Sensory integration therapy mainly aims at regaining the normal sensory behavior of a child that helps him/her to regulate themselves in the available environmental conditions.

SI treatment Sensory Integration Therapist Sensory Integration Therapist

Kinesiology taping is a soft stretchy cotton latex free hypoallergenic tape providing elasticity to the applied skin. It helps in giving dynamic support to the affected area, so as to help in its rehabilitation without restricting the range of motion or any body movement. It has a wave like pattern to mimic the exact physical properties of the skin i.e. the epidermis layer and is heat activated.

Tape has a property to stretch up to 120-140 % of its original length and can be unwrapped again to its original length. It is applied in such a way that it forms another similar layer like the epidermis so as to give equal support like the skin and help you to move freely. It is completely waterproof, so it does not get affected during showering or body cleaning.

When we apply this tape to the affected area, it is rubbed before applying so as to activate it. The glue sticks better when rubbed as heat is produced between the epidermis layer and the tape.There are different ways of application and they are differentiated according to the needs of the individual affected area and purpose to tape.

Basics of application:
- Thorough assessment is very much necessary before taping any area.
- Any damaged area like scars, rashes or open wounds cannot be taped.
- Make sure the area is thoroughly cleaned and there are no traces of any oil or lotion over the area to be taped.
- The affected area needs to be shaved/waxed of hair completely and cleaned off before applying the tape.
- Do not touch on the glue part of the tape.
- Do not forget to round the edges before removing the adhesive side paper.
- While using a tape roll do measure properly the length of the tape to be applied.

Kinesiology tape can be applied in the shape of a 'Y', 'I', 'X', 'Fan', 'Web' or 'Donut'. The shape selection depends on the size of the affected muscle and the result you are trying to achieve.

Purpose of Taping
The therapist is clear with the purpose of why he is taping a particular area. The purpose would vary from stabilising in a sense to prevent excess or abnormal movements, changing (to activate or deactivate) the biomechanical action, muscle strengthening, increasing blood flow, increasing lymphatic drainage, enhancing muscle action, increasing the proprioceptive sense of the joint for kinaesthetic feedback or enhancing recovery.

Techniques of application:
- Muscle Technique (Indications): Hypertonus/ Hypotonus, Pain relief, improved resilience.
- Ligament Technique (Indications): Tendon and Ligament injuries, stability, Pain relief, improved resilience.
- Lymph Technique (Indications): Improving lymphatic drainage and reducing oedema.
- Correction Technique (Indications): Correction and stability of joints.
- Fascia Technique (Indications): Tight and fixed muscle fascia, improved fascia mobility.

Method of tape application depends on the purpose of taping such as taping of any injured or overused muscle/ weak or chronically injured muscle changes the direction of application according to its needs.

Effects of Taping:
- Improving circulation
- Improving muscle function
- Pain relief
- Correcting joint problems (Joint support and function)

Below mentioned are additional application techniques as:
- Neural techniques
- Functional taping techniques
- Self-taping
- Crosslink taping
- Organ taping
- Combination Taping (All Above Tapings)

Taping Treatment Taping Physiotherapy Taping Physiotherapy Centres

Along with the ailments in adults, Matrix Rhythm Therapy gives effective results in paediatric cases like Torticollis, Scoliosis, Erb's palsy, foot drop, Cerebral Palsy physiotherapy Treatment, CTEV etc. Matrix Physiotherapy Treatment helps in improving the flexibility and stretch ability in case of pes equinus, scar tissue, adhesions, contracture & postural dysfunctions. Matrix Physiotherapy Treatment helps in regulating the muscle tone in neurological conditions, thereby bringing it to normal, may it be spastic or flaccid.

Matrix Rhythm Therapy Matrix Physiotherapy Treatment
FOR PARENTS We bring you a guide to determine if a child has developmental delays.
This table given below will help you to seek help before your child starts
struggling to do things that are usually managed by his peers.

If you find your child has any or many of the symptoms below, no need to panic. WE ARE HERE TO MAKE YOUR CHILD NEAR TO FUNCTIONAL IN ALL HIS/HER ACTIVITIES. But for that we need your help, patience & persistence.

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